langNotificationConfirmAreYouSure = "Are you sure ?"; langNotificationConfirmTitle = "Confirmation"; langNotificationConfirmYes = "Yes"; langNotificationConfirmNo = "No"; langNotificationPromptCancel = "Cancel"; langNotificationPromptReason = "Reason"; langNotificationPromptReasonMax40 = "Reason (max 40 characters)"; langNotificationBlockConfirm = "Are you sure you want to block this user? You will no longer be able to receive messages from him. If yes, please enter a reason, he will see this reason when he tries to send you a message:"; langNotificationNoLongerFollowing = "You will no longer receive notifications for that topic"; langNotificationIgnored = "That user will no longer be able to send you private messages anymore"; langNotificationUnignored = "That user can now send you private messages"; langNotificationNotification = "Notification"; langNotificationNewMessage = "You have just received a message"; langNotificationAllNotifMarkRead = "All notifications have been marked as read"; langNotificationNoUnread = "You don't have any unread notifications"; langNotificationNoAlerts = "You don't have any alerts"; langNotificationColorSaved = "Color has been successfully saved"; langNotificationTopicUnfollowed = "Topic unfollowed, you will no longer receive notifications when someone posts in it"; langNotificationTopicFollowed = "Topic followed, you will now receive notifications when someone posts in it"; langNotificationSettingsSaved = "Settings successfully saved"; langNotificationAlreadyInProgress = "Another action is already in progress, please wait ..."; langNotificationErrorTryAgain = "Sorry, something went wrong ! Please try again ..."; langNotificationErrorTitle = "Error"; langNotificationSuccessTitle = "Success"; langNotificationInfoTitle = "Information"; langNotificationCantChange = "Sorry, you are not allowed to change this"; langNotificationActionInProgress = "Action in progress ..."; langNotificationInternalError = "An internal error has occured, try refreshing the page.
If this problem persists please contact an administrator"; langNotificationInternalErrorTitle = "Javascript error"; langNotificationColorPickerFull = "The full menu of the topbar will now have this color"; langNotificationColorPickerOnlyTopBar = "Only the topbar will have this color, the rest of the menu will be default"; langNotificationInvalidUser = "Invalid user"; langNotificationUnreadNewTabNoUnread = "You don't have any unread notifications"; langTopicGlobalHideConfirm = "Are you sure you want to hide [0] topic ? You will stop seeing it everywhere, but you will still be able to see it in the annoucements forum"; langTopicGlobalWasHidden = "Topic was successfully hidden"; langTopicLocked = "Topic has been locked"; langTopicUnlocked = "Topic has been unlocked"; langTopicDeletePostConfirm = "Are you sure you want to delete this post ? If yes, you can also enter a reason so the post owner knows why you deleted the post (optional):"; langTopicDeletePostPermanentlyConfirm = "Are you sure you want to delete this post permanently? You will not be able to undelete it!"; langTopicDeletePostConfirmOwnPost = "Are you sure you want to delete this post ?"; langTopicUndeletePostConfirm = "Are you sure you want to undelete this post ?"; langTopicPostDeleted = "Post has been deleted"; langTopicPostUndeleted = "Post has been undeleted"; langTopicNewContent = "There is [0] new post in this topic, do you want to refresh the page to see it ?"; langTopicNewContents = "There are [0] new posts in this topic, do you want to refresh the page to see them ?"; langTopicNewPostsBesidesYours = "[0] new posts were made besides your post"; langTopicMultiQuoteDone = "Post has been quoted in the quick reply message box"; langTopicQuickEditCancelConfirm = "Are you sure you want to cancel editing current post ? You will lose all changes"; langTopicQuickEditKeyboardShortcuts = "Hint: You can use Ctrl + Enter to save or Escape to cancel"; langTopicQuickEditTooltipSaveChanges = "Save changes"; langTopicQuickEditTooltipFullEditor = "Open full editor"; langTopicQuickEditTooltipCancelChanges = "Cancel changes"; langTopicEditHistoryList = "Edit #[0] by [1] on [2] - View"; langTopicEditHistoryListCurrentPost = "Current post - View"; langTopicEditHistoryListRevertPost = "Revert to this post"; langTopicTopicIcon = "Topic icon"; langTopicTopicIconInfo = "Enter new wow icon name or full link to image. Leave empty to remove"; langTopicPreventPostingPrompt = "Enter duration of restriction (in minutes, 0 for permanent) and reason. Format: duration,reason bla bla"; langTopicPreventPostingPromptTitle = "Post preventing"; langTopicPostChangePosterTitle = "Change poster"; langTopicPostChangePoster = "Enter the id or name of the user which you want to appear as the poster for this post"; langTopicLikesInvalidPost = "The post does not exist"; langTopicLikesNotLoggedIn = "You have to be logged in to like/dislike"; langTopicLikesAlreadyLiked = "You already liked this post"; langTopicLikesAlreadyDisliked = "You already disliked this post"; langTopicLikesCantOwnPost = "You can't like/dislike your own posts"; langTopicLikesCantNegativeReputation = "You can't dislike if you don't have at least 50 reputation"; langForumAllTopicsMarkedRead = "All topics have been marked as read"; langForumNoUnreadTopic = "There are no unread topics in this forum"; langForumTopicDeleteConfirm = "Are you sure you want to delete this topic ? If yes, you can also enter a reason so the topic owner knows why you deleted the topic (optional):"; langForumTopicDeleteNameConfirm = "Are you sure you want to delete {0} ? If yes, you can also enter a reason so the topic owner knows why you deleted the topic (optional):"; langForumTopicDeleteNameConfirmOwnTopic = "Are you sure you want to delete {0} ?"; langForumTopicDeleteConfirmOwnTopic = "Are you sure you want to delete this topic ?"; langForumTopicDeleted = "Topic has been deleted"; langForumTopicMoved = "Topic has been moved"; langForumTopicMoveToTrashNameConfirm = "Are you sure you want to move {0} to trash ?"; langForumTopicLockConfirm = "Are you sure you want to lock this topic ? This will also remove all followers for this topic"; langForumUnfollowed = "Forum unfollowed, you will no longer receive notifications when someone creates a new topic in it"; langForumFollowed = "Forum followed, you will now receive notifications when someone creates a new topic in it"; langForumNewContent = "There is [0] new topic in this forum, do you want to refresh the page to see it ?"; langForumNewContents = "There are [0] new topics in this forum, do you want to refresh the page to see them ?"; langWarnQuestion = "Are you sure you want to ban "; langWarnReason = "Enter reason:"; langWarnReportMessage = "Are you sure you want to report this post? If yes, you will have to specify a reason"; langVoicemailAllMarkedRead = "All voicemails have been marked read"; langVoicemailAllDeleted = "All voicemails have been deleted"; langVoicemailNoUnread = "You don't have any unread voicemails"; langPaginationEnterNumber = "Enter page number !"; langPaginationIncorrectPage = "Incorrect page number !"; langPostingMessageEmpty = "You must enter a message"; langPostingTitleEmpty = "You must enter a subject"; langPostingConfirmCancelEdit = "Are you sure you want to cancel the edit? You will lose all modifications"; langPostingTopicSimilarityFoundSomeTopics = "Before you post: we found some topics which look like the one you are trying to post.
Please check them before posting yours to avoid having duplicate topics."; langPostingTopicSimilarityStopPosting = "There is a similar topic already, I won't post anymore"; langPostingTopicSimilarityContinuePosting = "My topic is different, I want to continue posting"; langPrivMsgQuickReplyTitle = "Quick reply"; langPrivMsgQuickReplyMessage = "Enter your message"; langPrivMsgQuickReplyMessageSent = "Your message has been sent."; langAdminVoicemailReject = "Reject voicemail with the following reason:"; langAdminVoicemailAccept = "Accept voicemail with the following triggers:"; langAdminVoicemailEnterReason = "Please enter a reason"; langAdminVoicemailEnterTriggers = "Please enter triggers"; langAdminVoicemailAccepted = "Voicemail request accepted"; langAdminVoicemailRejected = "Voicemail request rejected"; langFollowedAllTopicNotificationsMarked = "All notifications have been marked read"; langFollowedAllForumsUnfollowed = "All notifications have been marked read"; langViewProfileFollowed = "User followed, you will now receive notifications when this user creates a new topic"; langViewProfileUnfollowed = "User unfollowed, you will no longer receive notifications when this user creates a new topic"; langTradesTradeAdded = "Trade has been initiated. The buyer must now accept your trade (or ask you some questions before)
Click here to see your trade"; langTradeBlockConfirm = "Are you sure you want to block this user? This will reject the trade and he will no longer be able to send you private messages or trade requests. If yes, enter reason:"; langCsServersName = "Name"; langCsServersScore = "Score"; langCsServersOnlineFor = "Online for";